High Peaks Representation is committed to providing the highest level of customer service of any representation group in the country.
High Peaks Representation is committed to providing the highest level of customer service of any representation group in the country.
Using our combination of direct dealer support, access to reps, and easy-to-use programs and technology, we foster relationships between dealers and manufacturers by providing support through all aspects of the sales process.

High Peaks Representation was founded in 1998 by Ben Furimsky in Crested Butte, CO.
Ben started the company selling Dinsmores’ tin and lead shot in the Rocky Mountains. Ben grew the company until 2015, when he sold the group to its current owner, Anthony Marrese. After taking over operations, Anthony continued to grow the company with new brands and also expanded the territory to include the Pacific Northwest. In the spring of 2022, High Peaks Representation hired Jake Oe as a sales representative. His past experience working for Rocky Mountain Anglers has brought a new eye to the agency, truly understanding the particularities of customer service within the fly fishing industry. High Peaks Representation currently services dealers in Alaska, Washington, Oregon, Utah, Colorado, and New Mexico and continues to grow its manufacturer’s market share with each sales season.
Anthony Marresse
Owner & President
(206) 963-8990